Most of Lviv’s ghost signs are found on the front of buildings, advertising products sold in a particular store. But there are a handful of larger ones as well, located on exposed sides of buildings, sometimes above the rooftops or on the entire side of a building. Often they were advertising something nearby. Examples of such original signs can be found in old photographs of Lviv, as seen below (more examples here).

These signs are slowly fading or crumbling away.
Ford Gas Station
An advertisement for a Ford gas station: “…Karpaty stacja benzynowe FORD.”
First image c. 2012

The sign today: the billboard has been removed to reveal more of the sign

Imerjal Garages
On Zelena Street there is a ghost sign for Imperjal Garages, dating from the interwar period (1918-1939). It’s difficult to see, but above the lettering was an image of a car. The sign reads: “Nowocześnie urządzone garaże. IMPERJAL” (Modernly furnished garages. IMPERIAL)
First image c. 2012

This is what it looks like today. Unfortunately, the top part has completely crumbled away.

Women’s Clothing Atelier
On Nizhynska Street (formerly Paulinów Street) is a ghost sign for a women’s clothing atelier: “Atelier art. ubiorów damskich S.J.K. Blicharska Lwów Paulinów”
Galvanic Services
Large parts of this sign are missing, but some of the words read: “Usługi galwaniczne wejście z ulicy…” (Galvanic services, entrance from … Street)
First image c. 2012

From 2020: More of the sign has crumbled away.

Printing House
On Doroshenka Street is a ghost sign for I. Jaeger’s printing house, which was located at 33 Sykstuska St. (today Doroshenka). The top word is “Drukarnia” — Polish for “printing house.”

Fragments: Covered, Faded, Crumbled

Covered by a modern billboard
See also: