Online Resources

A list of websites and blogs related to the history or culture of Galicia, as well as other resources that have inspired me.

Urban Studies & Lviv

Photo & Map Archives





Galician Germans

Galicia & Eastern Europe

Architecture & Infrastructure & History


Galician Genealogy: Facebook Pages & Groups


  • Extinguished Countries – The idea is to propose travel guidebooks to countries that no longer exist, discovering all the things we share from our common past, which shape our current identities
  • Kosa Kolektiv – Toronto-based collective to revitalize peasant folklore in an urban context
  • Polona/Typo – Type your own sentences using thousands of letters from books, posters and maps
  • MY Pichka – Blog about living in the Galician countryside in the 21st century
  • Folk Costume & Embroidery