Ivan Franko: His Visits to Tsishky and Phenomenal Memory

My great grandmother had the honor of meeting Ivan Franko, who used to visit her aunt and uncle’s library in the village of Tsishky (today Chishky), near Oleskyi Zamok. Her aunt and uncle were Toma Dutkevych, the parish priest and one of the founders of the agricultural organization Silskyi Hospodar, and his wife Julia Kuhn. This was in the early 1900s.

This is what is left of the Duktevych’s house. It used to be several times larger.

Below is an excerpt from my great aunt’s memoirs, in which she describes her mother’s memories and impressions of Ivan Franko.


“In Tsishky the Dutkevyches had a large library. Years before, when he had come to visit them, the renowned Ukrainian poet and social activist Ivan Franko often made use of this library. My mother, a 17-year-old girl at the time, eagerly listened to her elders’ conversations and admired聽Ivan Franko’s聽phenomenal聽memory. After spending even a short time in their library, Franko would then in conversation be able to quote from memory entire long sentences, even passages, from various texts.

During his stays in the village Ivan Franko would visit a friend of his, a Polish teacher who lived in the school building across the road from the priest鈥檚 residence.聽 From her own garden my mother often saw the teacher across the way, thick golden hair flowing loosely over her shoulders, strolling with Franko along garden footpaths or sitting with him on a bench among the flowers.

Many years later when I was studying in the Brody gymnasium a new Polish student named Igliwna joined our class.聽When my mother heard she asked me to invite her over; she wanted see if she was like her mother, the former teacher from Tsishky and good friend of Ivan Franko who later married a Polish officer named Igl.”


“校 袛褍褌泻械胁懈褔褨胁 胁 笑褨褕泻邪褏 斜褍谢邪 胁械谢懈泻邪 斜褨斜谢褨芯褌械泻邪. 袧械褞 褔邪褋褌芯 泻芯褉懈褋褌褍胁邪胁褋褟, 锌械褉械斜褍胁邪褞褔懈 胁 褩褏薪褜芯屑褍 写芯屑褨, 袉胁邪薪 肖褉邪薪泻芯. 袦芯褟 屑邪屑邪, 褌芯写褨 17-褉褨褔薪邪 写褨胁褔懈薪邪, 蟹邪谢褞斜泻懈 锌褉懈褋谢褍褏邪谢邪褋褟 写芯 褉芯蟹屑芯胁 褋褌邪褉褕懈褏 褨 锌芯写懈胁谢褟谢邪 褎械薪芯屑械薪邪谢褜薪褍 锌邪屑’褟褌褜 袉胁邪薪邪 肖褉邪薪泻邪. 袩芯斜褍胁褕懈 胁 写褨写芯胁褨泄 斜褨斜谢褨芯褌械褑褨 薪械写芯胁谐懈泄 褔邪褋, 胁褨薪 屑褨谐 锌芯褌褨屑, 锌褨写 褔邪褋 褉芯蟹屑芯胁懈, 褑懈褌褍胁邪褌懈 薪邪锌邪屑’褟褌褜 褑褨谢褨, 锌褉懈褔芯屑褍 写芯胁谐褨 褎褉邪蟹懈, 薪邪胁褨褌褜 褍褉懈胁泻懈 蟹 褉褨蟹薪懈褏 褌械泻褋褌褨胁.

袩械褉械斜褍胁邪褞褔懈 胁 褑褜芯屑褍 褋械谢褨, 袉胁邪薪 肖褉邪薪泻芯 胁褨写胁褨写褍胁邪胁 褌邪泻芯卸 芯写薪褍 褋胁芯褞 蟹薪邪泄芯屑褍 胁褔懈褌械谢褜泻褍-锌芯谢褜泻褍. 袙芯薪邪 屑械褕泻邪谢邪 胁 斜褍写懈薪泻褍 褕泻芯谢懈, 褟泻懈泄 蟹薪邪褏芯写懈胁褋褟 褔械褉械蟹 写芯褉芯谐褍 胁褨写 锌谢械斜邪薪褨褩. 袦邪屑邪 褔邪褋褌芯 蟹褨 褋胁芯谐芯 褋邪写褍 斜邪褔懈谢邪, 褟泻 胁芯薪邪 蟹 褉芯蟹锌褍褖械薪懈屑 锌芯 锌谢械褔邪褏 蟹芯谢芯褌懈褋褌懈屑, 锌懈褕薪懈屑 胁芯谢芯褋褋褟屑 锌褉芯褏芯写卸邪谢邪褋褟 蟹褨 褋胁芯褩屑 谐芯褋褌械屑 锌芯 褋褌械卸懈薪泻邪褏 谐芯褉芯写褍, 邪斜芯 褋懈写褨谢邪 蟹 薪懈屑 薪邪 谢邪胁芯褔褑褨, 锌芯屑褨卸 泻胁褨褌邪屑懈.

袘邪谐邪褌芯 褉芯泻褨胁 锌褨蟹薪褨褕械, 泻芯谢懈 褟 胁卸械 胁褔懈谢邪褋褟 胁 斜褉褨写褋褜泻褨泄 谐褨屑薪邪蟹褨褩, 写芯 薪邪褕芯谐芯 泻谢邪褋褍 锌褉懈泄褕谢邪 薪芯胁邪 褍褔械薪懈褑褟, 锌芯谢褜泻邪 袉谐谢褨胁薪邪. 袛褨蟹薪邪胁褕懈褋褜 锌褉芯 褌械, 屑芯褟 屑邪屑邪 锌芯锌褉芯褋懈谢邪 屑械薪械 锌褉懈胁械褋懈 褩褩 写芯 薪邪褋, 褏芯褌褨谢邪 锌芯写懈胁懈褌懈褋褟, 褔懈 胁芯薪邪 锌芯写褨斜薪邪 写芯 褋胁芯褦褩 屑邪褌械褉褨, 泻芯谢懈褕薪褜芯褩 胁褔懈褌械谢褜泻懈 蟹 笑褨褕芯泻 褨 写芯斜褉芯褩 蟹薪邪泄芯屑芯褩 袉胁邪薪邪 肖褉邪薪泻邪, 泻芯褌褉邪 蟹谐芯写芯屑 胁懈泄褕谢邪 蟹邪屑褨卸 蟹邪 锌芯谢褜褋褜泻芯谐芯 芯褎褨褑械褉邪 袉谐谢褟.”

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