Boot Scrapers in the Countryside


I spent a weekend visiting a friend in Lehedzyne, a village near Uman. I found two interesting boot scrapers. One extra wide one (for several people to scrape at the same time) near the village store, and then another large one with a handle attached to it in Baba Katya’s courtyard. I suspect there are still many of them in the village.


This one below is located near the front of an old wooden church in Zhurivka, a village very close to Lviv. A great-grandmother of mine was born in this village, so it is quite likely that my ancestors used to attend this church. Unfortunately, the the church has been covered by some ugly metal sheets.


I visited two villages where an ancestor of mine lived/worked. The villages are about an hour from Ivano-Frankivsk and are seperated by the Dniester River. We had to hitch a boat ride from Koropets to the other side of the river and then walk through the village Luha before making it Deleva.

Here is a boot scraper located outside the old wooden church (1795) in Koropets.

Badeni Palace (1893-1906) in disrepair

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