It makes me very happy when new stores, bars, and restaurants use the old method of advertising what products they have for sale, that is, painting the name of their establishment and their products directly on the store’s facade. There are several examples of such places in Lviv. They are so much more aesthetically pleasing than stores which use big, bulky, plastic or neon signs.
This store, which in fact kept the old signs that were found during renovation, added one sign in Ukrainian, which says “Продукти” and has the store’s hours. At first I thought the Ukrainian sign was old and was really excited to find more old signs in Ukrainian, but the more I thought about I realized it is very unlikely that was old, especially as it has the hours of the store. In fact, I think it is possible that that section which has the word “products” listed in different languages may be all new.
The rest of the pictures are of new stores, restaurants, and bars that continued the tradition of hand-painted signs.
On my street there are some freshly painted signs advertising a liquor store and its products. I really like how they used the old panels, whose original function I believe was precisely for advertising, and that they used a nice vintage font.